EXCLUSIVE Look Inside the Cosmere RPG: A Conversation with Dragonsteel and Brotherwise Games

EXCLUSIVE Look Inside the Cosmere RPG: A Conversation with Dragonsteel and Brotherwise Games

Aug 22, 2024Tayan Hatch

We’re down to the final days of the Cosmere RPG Kickstarter. As always, we’re thrilled with your enthusiasm and support. It’s been so much fun seeing the conversations surrounding this one-of-a-kind project. Before we announced that the Stormlight RPG was also the Mistborn RPG, and would eventually become the Elantris RPG, the Warbreaker RPG, and more, we sat down with some key players who brought this project to life.

In this exclusive conversation, Isaac Stewart, VP of Creative Development at Dragonsteel Books; Katie Payne, the project’s art director; and Johnny O’Neal, the project’s creative director and co-founder of Brotherwise Games, discussed how the project came to be, the creative journey behind it, and what fans can expect.

How It All Began: The Creation of the Cosmere RPG

Johnny set the stage. “This project has been a long time coming, but it all really started when we worked with Dragonsteel on Call to Adventure. That collaboration led to the miniatures for The Stormlight Archive, and that naturally got us thinking about an RPG.”

For Johnny, working with Dragonsteel on the Cosmere RPG wasn’t just a professional goal—it was a personal dream. "You can’t help but think of RPGs when you’re looking at miniatures. It was the coolest, most exciting project I could imagine us working on together. At the same time, we also dove into making the Mistborn Deck Building Game, which is going to be the best-looking and best-playing game Brotherwise has ever made as far as board games go. So, a lot was going on, and we just dove into it all and were so excited to be working with Team Dragonsteel."

Isaac reflected on how the partnership between Dragonsteel and Brotherwise Games evolved from those early days. “We loved what Brotherwise did with Call to Adventure, and we saw how deeply they understood the Cosmere. So, we worked with them to create the miniatures. It was a lot of back and forth because this was the first time we were making these characters’ appearances canonical. It is interesting how that became a theme in our collaboration—making things canonical. It’s very important to both of our teams. The miniatures project went so well, that we thought, hey, let’s make this more than just a licensing deal. Let’s make this a true partnership. That’s when Johnny was like, what about an RPG? It wasn’t just a licensing deal. When the idea came up, it just clicked.”

Why Brotherwise: The Art of Collaboration

Laughing, Johnny said to Isaac, “You could’ve worked with any company in the world on this project. Anyone would’ve been thrilled to do it. Why did you choose us?”

Isaac shared, There are a lot of companies out there that we could have worked with, but it really came down to chemistry. Our teams worked so well together, and we were continually impressed by the way your team collaborated. Brotherwise understood Brandon’s worlds on a deeper level and shared our vision for what this could be. Plus, I’d already played Boss Monster with my son, so you guys had that going for you.”

Katie Payne, who came on board as art director with Brotherwise Games, was a natural choice to work with for both Johnny and Isaac. Katie’s background was in creating fan art for the Cosmere, and when the opportunity came up, she was an ideal fit for the role. She also had the same electric chemistry that Team Dragonsteel and Brotherwise were already generating.

Johnny said of meeting Katie: “I knew her from her work on Cosmere fan art, and my top priority was to work with people who knew the Cosmere inside and out. On the Art Direction side, I wanted somebody who could immediately explain all of these things, who had already faced a lot of challenges herself when it came to understanding the world, getting details right, and especially getting characters right because she herself is an artist. So, at that point, I gave her a call.”

Art as a Core Element: Bringing the Cosmere to Life

Art has always been central to the Cosmere, and the Cosmere RPG is no exception. Katie, a longtime fan of the series, saw this project as an incredible opportunity to contribute her skills and passion by bringing the characters and scenes to life through art.

“When Johnny called me to work on the RPG, I was floored,” said Katie. “I had been following the miniatures campaign, and I knew the level of detail they were putting into everything. It was the biggest compliment of my life to be asked to join.”

The creation of art for the RPG was a monumental task, involving over 70 artists and hundreds of illustrations. Katie and Johnny worked closely with Isaac to ensure that every piece was true to the world of the Cosmere.

“We needed to make sure the art was canonical,” said Isaac. “This wasn’t just about making things look good—it was about staying faithful to the Cosmere’s established lore.”

Johnny added, “We had to get every detail right. We're talking about hundreds of illustrations, and each one had to fit into the world that fans know and love.”

Johnny asked Katie if she did the math on the amount of brand new canonical art pieces her team created for this campaign. 

“I did do the math,” Katie said, thinking. “It’s something like 374 for Stormlight as of right now, but there will be more.” (Spoiler: There were definitely more.) “And it’s 90 for Mistborn. I’m probably missing some, but it’s around that number. I’m just so incredibly grateful to have so many resources to pour into creating art for these stories I love so much. It’s an honor.”

The Challenges of Creating Canonical Art

Ensuring that the artwork remained true to the Cosmere's canon was one of the most challenging aspects of the project. Katie described the detailed process of working with scores of artists, many of whom were new to the intricacies of the Cosmere.

Katie said, “We had to guide the artists through everything, from how Shardbearers should look to the color of someone’s eyes. Sometimes we even sent them physical models to make sure the details were perfect. Isaac, your team was so excellent in providing us with everything we needed to get the art exactly right. It was a crucial part of the process, that collaboration. It did include physical models at certain points, and a lot of very long Zoom calls.”

Isaac noted that this careful attention to detail didn’t just benefit the RPG—it also had a ripple effect on other Cosmere projects. “The work we did on the RPG helped solidify the visual canon for the entire Cosmere. It’s influenced not just the game but future books and other media as well.”

Johnny emphasized how the collaboration was a two-way street. “It wasn’t just us following Dragonsteel’s lead. We brought our own ideas, and seeing those ideas become part of the Cosmere was incredibly rewarding. Both of our teams believed, and still do believe, that Cosmere fans deserve to have people who are just as in love with this world as they are working on these kinds of projects.”

The Role of the Miniatures: A Foundation for the RPG

The Stormlight Archive miniatures were more than just inspiration for the project; they played a crucial role in the development of the Cosmere RPG. Isaac explained how these miniatures became a foundation for much of the game’s artwork.

“The miniatures project was our first deep dive into visualizing The Stormlight Archive, and it really set the stage for everything that followed. We used those models as reference points to ensure consistency across all media.”

Katie recalled how invaluable the miniatures were to the creative process. “Having those miniatures as a reference was priceless. It allowed us to create artwork that was not only beautiful but also accurate to the world Brandon has built.”

Fan Engagement: A Driving Force

For both Dragonsteel and Brotherwise, engaging with fans has been a central focus throughout the RPG’s development. Katie shares how her personal connection to the Cosmere and her experience as a fan influenced her work on the project.

“I’ve been a fan of the Cosmere for years, and I know how much these books mean to people. Every day I worked on this project, I thought about the fans and how much joy this RPG would bring them.”

Johnny adds that fan expectations have been a major driving force behind the project. “The fans of the Cosmere deserve something truly special. We’ve poured our hearts into this RPG, and I think it shows. Katie, I know we both feel this way, but I really just geek out about the fact that this is actually my job. We’ve become even bigger fans through this process. This is Brandon’s world, of course, but now we’ve gotten to have some fingerprints on it. That’s the feeling we hope to give to players of this RPG—you can now do the exact same thing. You can play in the Cosmere, tell your own stories, and leave your mark on this incredible universe.”

Looking Ahead: The Future of the Cosmere RPG

As the Kickstarter campaign continues, the team is already excited about the future. Johnny, Isaac, and Katie all see endless possibilities for expanding the Cosmere RPG.

“This RPG is just the beginning,” said Johnny. “We’re already talking about exploring more corners of the Cosmere, and I can’t wait to see where this journey takes us.”

Isaac emphasized that the RPG is more than just a game—it’s a continuation of the Cosmere’s story. “The RPG is part of the larger narrative that Brandon has been building for years. It’s another way for fans to immerse themselves in the world they love.”

Katie added, “We’ve created something truly special, and I can’t wait to see how fans respond. The Cosmere is a living universe, and this RPG is just one more chapter in its ongoing story.”

Final Thoughts

The Cosmere RPG is a testament to what can be achieved when creative minds come together with a shared passion for storytelling. Through their dedication and attention to detail, Brotherwise Games has created an RPG that promises to be an unforgettable experience for Cosmere fans.

Whether you’re a seasoned gamer or a newcomer to the world of RPGs, this project offers an exciting opportunity to dive deeper into the worlds of The Stormlight Archive, Mistborn, and beyond.


What is the Cosmere RPG?

The Cosmere RPG is a role-playing game set in Brandon Sanderson’s expansive universe, including The Stormlight Archive and Mistborn series. Developed by Brotherwise Games in collaboration with Dragonsteel, the RPG allows players to explore these rich worlds through immersive gameplay and stunning artwork.

Why did Dragonsteel Books choose to work with Brotherwise Games?

According to Isaac Stewart, VP of Creative Development at Dragonsteel, the decision to partner with Brotherwise Games was based on their deep understanding of the Cosmere and strong creative chemistry. “It wasn’t just about licensing; it was about building trust and creating something special together.”

How important is art in the Cosmere RPG?

Art plays a central role in the RPG, bringing the world of the Cosmere to life. Katie Payne, the art director, worked with over 70 artists to create hundreds of new pieces of art and ensure that the visuals were true to the source material. “We had to make sure every detail aligned with the established Cosmere lore,” says Payne.

Will the RPG include content from both Stormlight and Mistborn?

Yes, the RPG will feature content from both The Stormlight Archive and Mistborn series. The game is designed to allow players to explore these worlds in depth, with expansions planned for other parts of the Cosmere.

How can fans support the Cosmere RPG project?

Fans can support the project by visiting the Kickstarter campaign page. Backing the campaign will give you access to the RPG, world guides, and other exclusive content.

What’s next for the Cosmere RPG?

Johnny hinted at exciting future projects. “This RPG is just the beginning. We’re already planning to explore more corners of the Cosmere.”

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