Download The First 20% of The Way of Kings - Free PDF Preview

Download The First 20% of The Way of Kings - Free PDF Preview

Aug 15, 2024Tayan Hatch

We've got something special for you—a free PDF download of the first 20% of The Way of Kings! If you're new to this series, this exclusive preview is the perfect way to get started.

Don't miss out on this chance to experience the beginning of an incredible saga. Click the link below to download your free copy.

Download Your Free PDF of The Way of Kings Now!

If you prefer audiobooks, we also have this sample section of the book in audio form on our YouTube channel. Start listening by clicking on the video below!

And, if you still aren't convinced, check out the video below of Brandon Sanderson explaining why you should start your Cosmere journey with The Way of Kings. 

For more content, check out the rest of our posts on The Cognitive Realm.

Happy reading!

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